Submit Your Script

The virtual reading event is free to the public!

The Fine Print

Submissions are unlimited! Collaborations are accepted. Once a script has been submitted to MMQ, we cannot accept revisions. Please note that MMQ does not provide feedback on scripts (unless they are work shopped with us prior to submission).

All submissions are due by the first of the month. Accepted playwrights will be notified in 14 days or less if they will be selected to participate in next month’s Play Reading Series. Submissions are on a rolling basis.

Upon notification of their selection, accepted playwrights must sign the Playwright Agreement, which we will provide. The Playwright Agreement covers two online public readings of your play, social media advertisement and scheduled virtual social events.

Document Criteria

● Legibly typed 12-point font in standard play script format with 1′′ margins
● No indication of authorship on any of the pages (“blinded”)
● Submitted as a single PDF—one file only.
● Page 1: cover page with play title only; also, insert this disclaimer: This script is copyright protected and may not be reproduced, distributed, or disseminated without the prior written permission of the author.
● Page 2: brief synopsis of play (200-word maximum) and cast list that includes each character’s name, age, and brief description
● All pages numbered
● Characters’ names centered above dialogue
● Last page indicated with “Fin” or “End”

Artistic Merit

MMQ New Play Reading Series is committed to the presentation of new dramatic work that is uniquely theatrical, has literary merit, and appeals to our audience’s emotions and imagination. Such work invariably reflects an original concept or theme, possesses a clear and cogent structure, and includes characters whose language expresses their individual worldview.

Option 1:

Price: Free

  • We provide:
    • The link for your event
    • Advertisement for the event
    • Playwright Interview
  • You provide:
    • The actors
    • Host Rehearsals

Option 2:

Price: $50

  • We provide:
    • The link for your event
    • Advertisement for the event
    • Playwright Interview
    • The actors
    • Host Rehearsals

    We look forward to working with you!